M.O.A.B. has been away for far too long!! Quite a long time, indeed! It is time for the Burrito Phoenix to rise from its ashes and critique the burritos of the world once again! In M.O.A.B.'s defense, though, it must be said that we moved after having the old Burrito Castle up for sale for nearly a year. {Stupid realty market!} That and the fact that M.O.A.B. forgot the access codes to this blog. A post-it note with all the proper log-in codes was unearthed upon creation of the new Burrito Home Office, so here we are once again!!
Have any burritos been consumed whilst living in the new digs, a.k.a.
New readers may be wondering how are the burritos graded here on M.O.A.B.? A refresher post is in order:
Burritos are graded using a 5 star scale and will be judged by the following criteria:
Wrap / Presentation - How well is the burrito wrapped? Is he wrapped tight? (The burrito... not me. We all know where the jury ruled on that one!) Does the filling stay inside? There's nothing worse than biting into a burrito that promptly explodes on ya', am I right people?!
Fillings - Nothing more than fillings! Trying to forget my fillings... fillings of lovvve! Fillings. Whoa-whoa-whoa filllllings... {AHEM} ... sorry. They say that it's what inside that counts. Never has a more true statement been made than when used in conjunction with the word 'burrito.' Is there that certain little added extra "something" that the burrito establishment has provided? Something that sets them apart from the next burrito joint down the way in the next strip plaza, perhaps? Here's hoping we find out!!!
Flavor - Duh. Pretty straightforward, dontcha think? Is it burrito-y enough for M.O.A.B. standards? Does this burrito have what it takes to receive the crown of Mother Of All Burritos?!?
Condiments - Often the make or break of any good burrito. Hot sauces. Green or red? Smooth or salsa-y? It doesn't matter. It accents your purchase. It, too, needs to be graded.
Staff - Are they proud servers of the mighty burrito? (Also - it was hard coming up with 5 categories to judge them on. Suggestions welcome.)
Photos will be taken of each chosen burrito. Also posted along with the any pertinent information about the chosen establishment.
M.O.A.B. will focus primarily on:
The free standing burrito shop/shoppe, café , eatery, bistro, munch-a-torium etc.
BUT... if M.O.A.B. notices that there's a burrito on the menu of any sit-down chain establishment... provided M.O.A.B. is in the mood... those burritos will also be reviewed.
M.O.A.B. also welcomes suggestions. Where do you think the best burrito can be found? As a frequent man-about-town... I find myself in many different cities across this great burrito-plentiful land of ours. Your recommendations are eagerly accepted. Las Vegans are especially encouraged to make suggestions, as Mr. and Mrs. M.O.A.B. travel there quite frequently. Who has the Mother Of All Burritos out there in Sin City?! Do tell!!
Many of the reviews will be based in/around the Chicagloand area, as that's where M.O.A.B. is situated.
So with the ground rules restated, M.O.A.B. shall once again travel the highways and byways in search of that elusive... Mother Of All Burritos!
For anyone out there that has stumbled across this blog. Welcome!
Labels: M.O.A.B. Returns